Twitter ad campaign not running
Image Credit PayU

You excitedly created a sparkling new Twitter ad campaign, set a budget, and eagerly hit launch. But instead of instantly showering you with traffic and leads, it stubbornly remains stuck at 0 impressions. Gasp!

Don’t panic yet. Like an ace detective, we will calmly sleuth out the possible reasons why your Twitter ad campaign NOT running when it should be. With some tenacious troubleshooting, we can get to the bottom of this vexing mystery. Read on, budding Sherlock!

Why Are My Twitter Ads Pending?

If your Twitter ads are stuck in “pending review” status for more than 2 days, something is likely holding up approval. Here are some of the most common reasons for pending Twitter ads:

Incomplete Profile Verification

Twitter requires advertisers to have a verified profile before campaigns can run. Make sure you’ve completed all needed verification steps:

  • Email address confirmed
  • Phone number added and confirmed
  • Website URL entered and confirmed

Check your account settings and ensure there is a blue “verified account” checkmark badge visible.

Unapproved Payment Method

Twitter ads are pre-pay only. You must have a valid payment method approved on your Ads account before campaigns can launch.

The most common pitfall is attempting to use a prepaid card or gift card. These are not accepted. Make sure you have a credit card, debit card, or PayPal account entered and approved by Twitter’s verification process.

Also, ensure your default payment method has not expired and does not have restrictions that would prevent authorization of small verification charges Twitter places to confirm it.

Policy Violations

Twitter carefully reviews all ads and may flag ones that violate advertising policies. Common violations include:

  • Trademark or copyright infringement
  • Sensitive content guidelines
  • Restricted product promotion (tobacco, weapons, etc)

Carefully review rejected ads for the specific policy triggered. You’ll need to edit your ads before trying again.

Exceeded Daily Cap

New Twitter Ads accounts start with a low $50 daily spend cap. If you set your campaign budgets higher than this allowed amount before building account history, your ads will remain stuck in pending review.

You can confirm if you’ve hit this limit by looking for the following pending rejection message: “Your account needs to build campaign history in order to run this campaign. Delete any campaigns over the allowed amount from Pending view and create new ones within your current limit.”

Either wait 7 days for the daily cap to increase automatically, or reach out to Twitter support if you need a specific higher limit white listed sooner.

Also read: Twitter Ads Login: A Step-by-Step Guide to Accessing Your Account

Why Are My Twitter Ads Not Getting Impressions?

It can be puzzling and frustrating if your Twitter ad campaign is approved and running but doesn’t get any impressions or reach. Typically that points to one of the following targeting or optimization issues:

Targeting Is Too Narrow

The number one reason for zero Twitter ad impressions is targeting that’s too restrictive and limits the eligible audience size.

Carefully review all your campaign targeting settings – location, keywords, interests, etc – and aim to keep audience size above 100,000 for most small business campaigns.

Twitter will indicate estimated audience size as you set up targeting. Pay attention to warnings about reach being too small.

Bid Amount Is Too Low

With Twitter’s auction-based ad platform, your cost-per-engagement bid must compete with others in the auction within your targeted market.

If you bid too conservatively, other advertisers essentially outrank you for available impressions.

Check your campaign analytics for suggested bid recommendations from Twitter, and increase bids incrementally until impressions pick up.

Competitor Spend Is Dominating

Within some markets, competitor Twitter ad spending may be saturating available impressions and dominating the auction.

In these cases, you’ll simply have to elevate bids substantially in order to compete for the top ranks and available placements. Monitor your competitors’ spending patterns and adjust accordingly.

Issue with Tweet Content

In rare cases, corrupt card markup or other issues within the tweet content itself can interfere with ads serving correctly.

If you’ve confirmed targeting factors and bids look appropriate, try pausing the campaign and editing the tweet content. Then save edits and resume the campaign to see if that triggers impressions.

Also read: Can You Dropship Using Twitter Ads?

Why Are My Twitter Ads Being Rejected?

If Twitter flags your ad for a policy violation or other issue upon review, you’ll receive a rejection notice indicating the specific reason, along with an opportunity to edit the ad and resubmit.

Some of the reasons Twitter most commonly rejects ads include:

Trademarks and Copyrights

Your ads cannot contain unauthorized or unlicensed usage of other brands’ names, logos or content protected by copyright. Review their guidelines carefully or consult an attorney if needed.

Sensitive Content

Twitter prohibits ads with violent, shocking, sensitive, or mature content inappropriate for general audiences. Tread carefully with images and topics that push boundaries.

Restricted Products

Some product promotions are prohibited by Twitter policy, including tobacco, weapons, recreational drugs, and illegal activity. Carefully review restrictions.

Missing Contact Info

All ads require inclusion of your website URL or public email contact address for consumers to reach your business.

Clickbait Tactics

Misleading hooks including “you won’t believe this!” or offers “too good to be true” tend to trigger rejections for clickbait behavior, which Twitter prohibits.

Carefully review your rejection notice, edit your ad contents appropriately, and then resubmit the campaign for review. You should get up and running faster on the second attempt.

Why Does My Twitter Ad Stop Running?

If your campaign gets started initially but then pauses and stops delivering ads partway through, that typically signals one of the following budget or account issues:

Daily Spend Cap Reached

As mentioned earlier, new accounts start with restrictive $50 daily spending caps that can halt campaigns that target higher budgets.

Double check if you simply reached this temporary limit, in which case the cap should lift automatically in 7 days. Or request Twitter raise it specifically if needed sooner.

Payment Authorization Failure

Despite having an approved payment method on file, periodic re-verification charges from Twitter can sometimes fail and stall your campaigns as a result.

Check whether a verification charge was attempted but failed or was blocked on your end. Fix any expired or restricted payment details.

Account Flags for Billing & Fraud Issues

If multiple payments fail, Twitter may flag your account entirely for billing concerns and pause all campaigns. Or excessive fast clicks from the same IP addresses can risk shutdown for investigation of potential click fraud.

Address any outstanding payment issues promptly. And implement click fraud verification controls like those from Anura or HUMAN if needed.

With the above troubleshooting tips in mind, you should now understand all the potential pitfalls that can stall Twitter ad campaigns from running properly. Address the most common problems like verification issues, policy violations, targeting limits, and billing roadblocks…and you should find smoother success optimizing future Twitter ads campaigns!

Also read: Using Twitter Ads to Increase Followers

Why is Twitter Promotion Not Working

If you’ve launched a Twitter promotional campaign but are seeing no engagement or conversions, there are a few issues that could be preventing your content from taking off:

Visibility Issues

  • Use relevant hashtags so your tweets appear in topic searches
  • @mention influencers or brands to broaden reach
  • Share tweets at peak times based on your audience’s activity patterns

Messaging Off-Target

  • Make sure imagery and text clearly convey your promo offer and value
  • Test different captions and visual styles to optimize the appeal
  • Ensure promo pertains to your target audience’s interests

Low Post Frequency

  • Schedule 10+ tweets over the campaign duration spaced closely enough for visibility
  • Re-promote top-performing tweet creative every 2-3 days
  • Use Twitter threads to link promotional messages

Monitor campaign analytics and continuously refine based on performance. Sales-focused promos often require iteration to drive conversions.

Twitter Ads Spy Tools

Twitter ads spy tools let you analyze competitors’ ad performance for keyword and audience research.

Top Twitter ad spy options:

  • Socialinsider – ad performance snapshots
  • AdBeat – campaign data and creatives library
  • Twitter AdSpy – real-time campaign tracking

Research competitor common keywords, optimal bids, high-performing creatives, audience targeting, and overall costs per conversion.

These intelligence insights help inform your own Twitter advertising strategy.

Twitter Ads Daily Spending Thresholds

Twitter enforces daily maximum ad spend limits to manage overdelivery based on account history.

Typical daily spend caps based on your account status:

December 2023 Twitter Ads Limit Thresholds

LimitDefault ThresholdIncreased Thresholds
Daily Impression Cap50,000100,000 – 5,000,000+
Lifetime Impression Cap1,000,0005,000,000 – 50,000,000+
Daily Spend Cap$50 (inv.); $99 (CC)$500 – $99,999
Monthly Spend Cap$500 (inv.); $999 (CC)$5,000 – $499,999

Exceeding your ceiling triggers delivery throttling.

Slowly increase limits over time by requesting raises from Twitter Ads support.

Top Culprits for Twitter ad campaign not running

Here are the usual suspects behind stalled Twitter ad campaigns that fail to ever get going:

The “Budget Too Low” Suspect

Your daily/total budget may be too low for Twitter’s minimum requirements. Ad campaigns need at least $50 lifetime or $5 daily budget. Inspect if yours meets the threshold.

The “Housekeeping Issue” Suspect

Twitter Ads may have some temporary technical issues or glitches, delaying campaign starts. Check their @TwitterBusiness handle for any notifications. Exercise some patience.

The “Time Limit” Suspect

You may have inadvertently set an end date in the past when setting up your campaign, so it terminated immediately or never took off. Double-check your start/end dates.

The “Billing Problem” Suspect

Invalid payment methods declined cards, and pending invoice approvals can all stall your campaigns from entering the running. Confirm your billing is in order.

The “Optimization Phase” Suspect

New campaigns with new targeting settings undergo an initial optimization phase of up to 4-5 days where Twitter evaluates performance before ramping up impressions. Stay calm and carry on.

The “Bad Targeting” Suspect

Your chosen targeting may be too narrow or irrelevant, leading to a limited audience scope for Twitter to show impressions to. Broaden or refine your targeting.

Also read: How do I run Twitter ads to WhatsApp?

The “Quality Score” Suspect

Low ad relevance or quality scores due to disconnected targeting and creatives can restrict your campaign. Ensure your ads are tightly aligned to targeting.

Did one of these usual culprits sound like the likely perpetrator behind your inactive Twitter campaign mystery? If not, let’s dig deeper for more clues…

More Twitter Ad Campaign Investigation Tips

If basic issues like budget and billing are not to blame, utilize these advanced troubleshooting tips:

  • Check if your campaign is actually active and not paused. Embarrassing but easy to miss!
  • Try setting the campaign to “running” rather than “scheduled” mode in case the latter is glitching.
  • Remove all negative keywords temporarily to rule out over-optimization.
  • Disable any frequency capping for open-ended reach.
  • Try broad match keyword targeting to see if an exact match is the issue.
  • Reduce bids and daily budget cap by half to rule out excessive settings.
  • Test pausing other campaigns targeting similar audiences.
  • Triple-check all campaign settings for errors or contradictions between fields.

With meticulous use of these issue isolation tactics, we can narrow down what exactly is confounding your Twitter campaign execution. The truth is out there!

Now that we have unlocked wisdom around stalled campaign causes and troubleshooting, let’s apply these learnings through an exemplary case study…

Also read: Case studies of successful Twitter Ads

A Twitter Ad Campaign Mystery – Solved!

Imagine you create a new Twitter ad campaign for your online shoe store targeting buyers of running shoes with a $40 daily budget. But the campaign remains stuck at 0 impressions for 2 days, not running at all! Why? cue dramatic music

The Investigation

First, you confirm billing is fine and Twitter Ads platform is running smoothly without issues. The start date is also correct. So you start eliminating other suspects:

  • Budget meets minimums
  • Targeting of runners seems reasonably broad
  • Ads mention “running shoes” so are aligned
  • The campaign is in active status, not paused

The Breakthrough

Finally, in the campaign settings, you notice the end date is accidentally set as 2 days ago! The culprit is caught – the campaign terminated immediately before it ever began.

The Solution

You update the end date to 2 weeks in the future. Within hours, the campaign springs to life and begins serving impressions. Case closed!

With some clever troubleshooting, you can similarly unmask whatever is holding your own Twitter ad campaigns back and get them running smoothly to reach your audiences.

Now that we have acquired wisdom through this detective work, let us consolidate these learnings for future reference…

Key Takeaways on Troubleshooting Non-Running Twitter Ad Campaigns

Let’s summarize the key tips to apply when your Twitter campaigns fail to ever take off:

  • Check if the budget meets the $50 lifetime and $5 daily minimums required for campaigns.
  • Technical issues on Twitter’s end can temporarily interrupt new campaign launches – be patient.
  • Incorrect start/end dates can instantly stop campaigns before they run. Double-check timing.
  • Invalid billing details like expired cards will halt your campaigns. Confirm billing works.
  • New campaigns undergo an initial 4-5 day optimization period before ramping up impressions.
  • Overly narrow targeting may limit audience scope. Try broadening keywords and interests.
  • Misaligned ads and targeting can restrict campaigns through low-quality scores. Tighten relevance.
  • Use advanced tactics like removing negatives, adjusting dates, reducing budgets, testing target types, etc. to isolate the issue.

Also read: Troubleshooting Issues with Twitter Ads

With the know-how to methodically investigate and fix stalled campaigns, you can now avoid having your precious Twitter ads go to waste with no results and instead keep them running profitably. Time to put on your detective hat and get troubleshooting! The game is afoot!


The most common reasons Twitter ads don’t run are:

  • Pending ad review
  • Relevance issues throttling delivery
  • Daily spending limits reached
  • Technical errors with tracking or APIs
  • Account suspensions

If your Twitter ad remains stuck in “Pending Review”, it likely has not passed through their 3-5 day review process to check for policy compliance issues. Keep waiting or draft alternative creatives in the meantime.

Maintaining strong ad Quality Scores, steady delivery, and requesting limit increases from support are the main ways to increase daily Twitter ad caps over time.

If your Twitter ads are live but get 0 impressions, typical causes are relevance issues like poor targeting or landing pages, technical tracking failures, payments problems, or platform suspensions.

The default remarketing ad frequency cap limit on Twitter is set to 1-3 times per 7 days. You can request higher caps of up to 12 times over 7 days via support ticket if more repeat exposure needed.

While technically possible to run ads without a Twitter verified badge, having an unverified ad account significantly increases chances of impressions delays, rejections, or policy suspensions so verification strongly recommended.

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