Publish a LinkedIn Article
Source - Linkedin

LinkedIn has become a go-to platform for professionals to build their brand and establish themselves as subject matter experts. One of the best ways to do this is by Publish a LinkedIn Article.

Why Publish a LinkedIn Article?

LinkedIn now has over 850 million members. This huge audience presents a major opportunity for your expertise and thought leadership to be seen.

Publish a LinkedIn Article

Here are some of the key advantages of publishing on LinkedIn:

Increase Your Visibility

Well-written articles boost your professional visibility in a few key ways:

  • They appear in search results on LinkedIn, Google, and other engines when people search relevant keywords. This allows you to organically reach those actively looking for your expertise.
  • When your connections interact with your articles, they appear in the feeds of their networks, getting your content in front of new audiences.
  • Your articles become part of your LinkedIn profile, showcasing your knowledge directly to anyone viewing your profile.

Establish Yourself as an Industry Thought Leader

Consistently publishing valuable insights demonstrates your command of important topics. This elevates your status as a trusted source on issues that matter to your field.

Connect With More Clients and Opportunities

When you post respected perspectives, you gain inbound interest from people seeking your services or products. Published content acts like a magnet attracting your ideal clients and partners.

Build Deeper Relationships

Sharing your knowledge helps nurture more meaningful relationships with your network. It gives you valuable content to connect over and keeps you top of your mind.

Enhance Your Professional Reputation

Articles show you are invested in your industry’s major conversations. This involvement raises your professional reputation and standing.

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How Does Publishing on LinkedIn Work?

Source – Social Media Examiner

Posting articles on LinkedIn is straightforward. You follow these steps:

  1. Draft a piece of long-form content on LinkedIn’s editor or a separate tool like Microsoft Word.
  2. When your article is ready, access LinkedIn’s Publishing platform from your profile.
  3. Add a compelling headline and description then publish your content.
  4. Your article then appears in your LinkedIn feed and Profile under the Articles tab.

You can publish articles up to 30,000 characters in length directly on the LinkedIn platform. Your posts can include text, images, videos, hyperlinks, and more.

Tips for Creating Valuable LinkedIn Articles

The best articles provide unique insights and perspectives that your professional audience truly needs. Here are some tips for developing compelling content:

Focus on Educating Rather Than Promoting

The most effective articles aim to inform, teach, and enlighten readers on topics important to them. They offer insights and expertise your audience can apply. Articles that mainly promote your business or products tend to get less engagement.

Provide Actionable Takeaways

Readers appreciate articles that provide concrete tips, frameworks, and action steps they can implement. Articles with specific how-to advice tend to get high levels of shares and comments.

Curate Relevant Research and Data

Incorporate statistics, case studies, expert perspectives, and research findings to back up your insights. This external validation strengthens your points and shows deep understanding.

Address Key Questions and Concerns

Think through the burning questions and pain points your audience has then create articles that directly tackle those issues. Articles that provide solutions have wide appeal.

Leverage Lists and Checklists

Articles formatted as numbered how-to guides, checklists, frameworks, or lists stand out in the LinkedIn feed. These scannable and skimmable formats attract readership.

Optimize for SEO

Include relevant keywords in your headline, description, and content. This boosts search visibility so your articles reach people searching those terms.

Craft an Engaging Headline

You need a headline that captures attention and inspires curiosity to click. Some proven formats are “X Ways to…” or “How to Achieve X”.

Write With Personality

While informative articles require expertise, adding some personality makes your content more relatable and approachable. Don’t be afraid to use anecdotes and speak in an authentic voice.

Steps for Publishing Your LinkedIn Article

Once you’ve created helpful content, follow these best practices for publishing and optimizing it:

Source – Circleboom

Upload an Eye-Catching Image

Include a header image that aligns with your topic and grabs interest. Opt for high-quality photographs or illustrations over generic stock imagery.

Perfect Your Description

Write a summary that highlights the value you’ll deliver and compels readers to click. Include relevant keywords for discoverability.

Tag Influencers

Tagging industry leaders can help alert relevant audiences about your article. But only do so if it aligns with their expertise and provides value.

Include Multi-Media

Mix in visual elements like infographics, data charts, and videos to make your article more engaging. But focus mainly on useful written insights.

Post at Optimal Times

Pay attention to when your network is most active on LinkedIn and aim to publish during those high visibility windows, like early mornings or lunch breaks.

Monitor Performance

Track metrics like views, reactions, and shares to see what topics and formats resonate best with your audience. Refine your approach over time.

Promoting Your LinkedIn Articles

Driving visibility for your published articles is key. Here are some proven ways to get more eyeballs on your content:

Source – GetResponse

Share on LinkedIn Consistently

Repurpose your articles frequently by resharing them yourself on LinkedIn and to relevant groups. This provides repeat exposures for your insights.

Promote Outside LinkedIn

Drive readers to your articles by sharing links on your website, email newsletters, Twitter, Facebook, and other channels.

Ask Others to Amplify

Request colleagues, partners, and clients to share your articles with their networks to expand your reach. Most are happy to spread quality content.

Turn Articles Into Other Formats

Transform your articles into distinct formats like a podcast episode, YouTube video, or presentation. Then promote each version separately to reach new groups.

Monitor Your Analytics

See which promotion channels drive the most visits and shares. Double down on the highest-performing referral sources.

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Continually Refining Your Approach

Start by publishing one quality article per month. As you analyze performance, adapt your strategy over time:

Source – Linkedin
  • Identify your best-performing articles then create more content on those topics.
  • Notice which headlines and formats attract the most interest. Use these insights to craft future articles.
  • Interact with people who engage with your content. Building these relationships leads to new opportunities.
  • Observe which authors and publications create a buzz within your industry. Position your articles alongside them.
  • Poll your audience to find out what information they need. Develop articles directly answering their questions.

By continually optimizing your articles based on data and feedback, you’ll maximize the value and visibility of your LinkedIn content.

In summary, publishing your insights as articles on LinkedIn is a powerful tactic for establishing thought leadership and expanding your reach. This guide covered why it’s valuable, how to create compelling articles, and strategies to promote your content. Start writing and sharing influential perspectives to grow your professional brand and opportunities.

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